During my highschool time I was drawing a tiny mouse as a kind of autograph on my drawings. This mouse turned out to be my alter ego : Edwin Bosch mouse. So ebmouse was born in the 80’s. In 1999 a rabbit friend came jumping to the scene. They belong together, with other animals around for a funny adventure. The focus is more on cartoons, instead of comics.
ebmouse as a paramedic ambumouse, is a variation of the cartoon figure.
Work in progress still going on in creating a project for kids, involving ebmouse and an international project relating to the origin of ebmouse and the rabbit. To be continued…
ebmouse @ Van Gogh museum
ebmouse digital paintings (Print on demand)
Looking for a very colorful, bright and funny ebmouse composition as a painting on your wall? Then click on the rabbit with the headphones! It will take you to the Print on demand service of Werk aan de muur. There you can choose your ebmouse digital painting on many media you like for showing on your wall. Creative point of view by ebmouse©️.